ARTcap Express Loan Application

Submit the following form if you are an artist or creative seeking $1,000 - $10,000 in business financing and you live in either Missouri, Kansas, or Texas. 

If you do not meet these requirements and you are still interested in acquiring a loan, please contact or call (833) 549-2890. 

The information you provide in this application will be reviewed by our lending team and held strictly confidential.
Loan Request Information

Please enter a numeric response without characters. For example, $15,000 would be 15000.

Business Information

Find your 6-digit NAICS code: NAICS database.

Please enter a numeric response without characters. For example, $15,000 would be 15000.
Business Ownership

Please enter numbers only. Do not include the "%" symbol.

Business Characteristics

ARTcap Borrower Information

Contact Information

Personal Information